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How to make Wheat Dosa in 4 steps!!!

The following steps are done by a professional. Kindly perform the steps under professional supervision.

Step 1: Pour the mixture to the only tawa (chapati tawa) you have. Be happy for a minute seeing the slowly cooking dosa. Dream about having it.

Few minutes later realize that it's getting burnt at the bottom and you are not able to get it off. After successfully removing the uneatable "dosa", try for a second time. Now as you realize that what ever you do, it's getting stuck, Move On.

Step 2: Take the next possible bartan (utensil) you own. This happens to be a kadai. Hopefully pour the mixture into it. Get disappointed again in a few minutes.

Step 3: On a philosophical level dosa needn't be round. Neither does it require a tawa. So use a rectangular lunch box and pour the mixture. Keep it in the microwave. Be proud of yourself by thinking you are a survivor. Be disappointed when you get a unbreakable thing out of the microwave ten minutes later.

Step 4: Realize that you have no more tricks left. And that rice is a savior at the end of the day. Have the humble rice, curd and pickle as you wait for the lock down to end and get back home to have tasty dosa.


Note for the reader:
To set the context, I am in Japan currently. Came here for a short term deputation. Got stuck because of lock down. I have minimum essentials utensils only to cook with.


  1. Encouraged by the fact you kept trying and did not give up easily 🤗 ,
    You will definitely get it next time you try 😊

    1. Yay!!! Thats the spirit... Hum honge kameyab ek din.... mann me he vishwas....


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